"Je conseille l'écoute d'interviews de Johann Chapoutot, historien du nazisme, qui explique en quoi le libéralisme et le management sont les dignes héritiers du IIIᵉ Reich" Ville de LE DESESPOIR Bonjour FB, Le Désespoir peut se définir comme un groupe de black metal atmosphérique, antifasciste et empli d'une immense mélancolie digne des plus grandes œuvres en matière de black metal dépressif. Peux tu nous en dire plus sur la naissance de ce projet fascinant ? Bonjour, Le Désespoir est un projet très personnel, pour expliquer l'origine de ce projet, j'ai besoin de résumer mon rapport à la musique. J'ai commencé les percussions à 6 ans, j'ai été dans plusieurs harmonies d'écoles de musique, orchestres départementaux et un orchestre national. J'ai tout le temps écouté beaucoup de musique (du jazz, de la musique classique, …). J'ai commencé le metal par Iron Maiden, Metallica, Scorpion. Pendant mon lycée, j'ai découvert le me...
ANGELS OF DISTRESS : Career interview with Shape Of Despair (FUNERAL DOOM/DOOM DEATH METAL)
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Interview with Jarno Salomaa (guitars/Keyboards)
Can you remind us the
conditions of birth of the band ? You were first called Raven,
back in 1998, and you were already playing melodic and dark profound
Funeral Doom ? How did you passed from one band to another and
why ?
Yes, we started around '94/'95 with
Raven. At first, Raven's music were actually more in the vein of
today's post black metal without vocals. On atmosphere-wise it drove
pretty much the same as later when we slowed things down for good.
We made one rehearsal recording back at
the first year and then left everything behind for some reason. Can't
remember were it cause of other bands (With Death, Haven in shadows,
Wanderer etc..)..we had a lot of projects going on at that time with
just the few of us living near by. Lots of journeys into the woods
and too little of sleep while making music, best way to inspire. But,
then in '98 we decided with Raven to record the demo out with the
songs we had done few years back and to see if things would go
anywhere. I quess after this recording and few years in between all
this reflected in making some new music with a different approach in
it. Bought a synth and pretty fast after that we made the promo tape
where you can hear Quiet these paintings are's first version.. which
is for me better than the album version. Different tone and a bit
different arrangements.
We gave this promo tape to Sami at
Spikefarm records who really dig (or pretended to dig) this music as
it were very different to that era of styles.. but, after all there
were (and still is?!) a band called Raven, i had to see some
alternatives for our music. Good that way cause it really were
necessary to change the name for more descriptive name for the music
i started to make.
Why did you choose that
extreme form of Doom Metal that is called Funeral Doom ? Was it
a good way to deal with emotions ? What is funeral doom for
you ?
You'll get a hint from previous answer
but.. what i have to underline is that i/we never « chose »
to play music labeled as funeral doom. Most what mattered, were just
to make music no one did before or music which just reflected the
feelings we had from some certain music or situations in
Back then doom music for us were
mostly Unholy, Skepticism and Thergothon but most what really
inspired us musically were honest and raw primitive black metal and
of course dark ambient. And honestly, this hasnt changed much even in
Funeral doom for me is Skepticism. I
don't categorize us into the same category with them, they earn it ;)
There's luckily not that much of bands who really can create art in
the same genre. Lots of bands making doom these days but, let's say,
lots of bands which could make something else than what they do at
this moment.. too much of a fashion to be part of.
As a Finnish band, can you
tell why is that genre is so popular in your country ?
Could be the typical seasonal effects
on us. Long days without the sun and of course, our superior
mentality how we handle loneliness combined with some amount of
Were you influenced by the
founders of the genre, The mighty Thergothon and Skepticism ?
And what can you tell us about those bands ?
Not actually influenced but appreciated
how they did create something very original. We actually did cover
Skepticism's song years ago and really enjoy their first albums..
great personalities also behind there.
Too bad Thergothon never continued but
one of the guys have done some really good compositions later on with
different names and music styles.
In 2000 you released your
first album shades of…, a very melancholic and beautiful
piece of art. From the outset we are immerged in an oniric and feeric
atmosphere, that is your trademark in a way. The music is quite heavy
and slow but very much more melodic than the one that played
Thergothon and Skepticism…What led you to this particular style ?
Well, those songs on that album were
the first ones for Raven. Inspired from nature and black metal
mostly. At that time especially what influenced were Strid, Burzum
and alikes. Even these doesnt really sound out from the album but in
atmosphere what these brought to us alongside with all the feelings
and ideas from nature was the thing here.
In 2001, you released Angels
of Distress. For some of your fans, it’s still your best
effort. A friend of mine, Philippe Saidj, wrote a thriller book (in
french) called « La forme du désespoir » (shape of
despair in french) and the story revolves around this particular
album. I don’t know if you heard of that book, it’s great !
This album, again, is filled with beauty and dark feelings, but it’s
more atmospheric than agressive (even there is agressivity in it,
almost in the vocals). This is a real masterpiece. How do you
consider this one, and can you describe the various stages of its
creation ?
Thank you. Havent heard of this book
before, sounds interesting and i feel humble about having our music
as inspiration there. If i'd understand French language, i'd most
likely would try to look that out.
Songs on Angels -album were actually
composed solely with Ensoniq synth i have been using for all of our
albums. Songs i made were meant to be only synth works at first but..
started to add layers of guitars alongside. Started to sound more and
more how you hear the songs now. To live for my death- song were
almost dropped out of the album as at first it really didn't work out
in any way. Just after the vocals were done, it somehow started to
sit tight and now it really is as what it was supposed to be. Driving
the suicidal atmosphere forward.
Before we entered the studio to record
Angels, we didn't had any vocalist. Our previous vocalist Toni moved
to Lapland which was something i'd never expected, at least when i
think he had very good voice on our music. But, later on had Pasi to
join us. At that time, Pasi really had a good touch on all of this,
good sound overall. Idea was also to keep our identity in secrecy, to
keep things only on music side and not to have anykind of an push, so
to say, from Amorphis fame. Too bad Relapse screwed this thing making
a big sticker on the album about Amorphis.
There is oftenly heavenly
voices in your music (female vocals) is it a way to transport us to
heaven or an illusion ? You play with light and darkness, not
only in darkness such as a lot of bands in your style. Is it a
choice ?
I think Natalie's voice fits very well
to balance the heavy side of this music. I've always liked the idea
to have ethereal atmosphere and having Natalie with her voice along
with the wall of guitars just fits more than well.
Illusion’s play is
the successor of Angels…in 2004, what do you think of that
album 15 years later ? it’s more heavy than the two first
ones, no ?
Illusion's play ideally worked good but
in soundwise it really didn't. Overall the album works and i stand
behind it but, sounds could've been way better. Curse life were made
actually near the Angels- era, as the whole album, and it stands out
for myself almost as the most important song from us. But, if i'd
made one album again, Illusion's play would be that album.
Are you under the influence
of bands such as Dead Can Dance ? It seems to me there is some
part of your music that reminds me of them ?
Yes, alot indeed..
What happened to the band
after that album ? We had to wait 2010 to see a new record
coming, the Written in my scars EP ?
We had some personal issues as well as
lots of going on with the other bands with few of us. Time just flew
by.. we were supposed to play even our first show back in '04 or
something but then i got hospitalized for few weeks so everything
went down again.
At the time when we started to write
those 2 songs for the ep with Tomi, it was getting more clear about
having new vocalist for various reasons.. ep's title really holds the
meaning inside for some things around that time.
Your last album to date,
Monotony fields is a pure beauty ! It looks like a best
of what the band can produce. That heaviness and that sadness
combined with great melodies (your keyboards are perfect) which makes
it understandable to all. What is your personnal vision of that one ?
This album really worked out for good.
We had a really professional guy behind to work on the sounds
itself.. Have to admit that Monotony Fields holds the best production
we've had. Also the songs itself worked really well. But, as we've
tend to make abit different albums from each other, i'm sure next one
will be different one again.. will be damn good one also.
Is there a new album coming
soon ? And if yes, what can we expect ?
Yes there will be. Already have songs
for at least one album. Won't say anything else about it than that
it's in a way a little step back while having some new things on it.
Misery is well present.
Your band is unique, with a
mix of styles such as death/doom and gothic/rock influences. Can you
present us bands you recently discovered that are unique for you ?
There's too much music these days..
haven't really searched any new music other than just bumping onto
A traditionnal question :
can you give us your 15 best records ever, any period and any genre
of music included ?
That's quite impossible, here's some
even you really can't place only 15 albums.. there's a lot more.
Burzum – Hvis lyset tar oss
Raison d'etre – Empty hollow unfolds
Darkthrone – under a funeral moon
The cult – love
Monumentum – in absentia christi
Dead can dance – Within the realm of
a dying sun
Autopsy – mental funeral
In the woods – heart of the ages
Katatonia – discouraged ones
Slowdive - souvlaki
Unholy – second ring of power
Evoken – Quietus
Raison d'etre – in sadness, silence
and solitude
Bolt thrower – for victory
Morbid angel – blessed are the sick
Are you inspired by books
(you and the other members) ? And if yes, can you tell us which
ones ?
Not really inspired. When i read books
i mainly ready biographies or history related books.. could read alot
more though.
Thank you so much Jarno, if
you want any additional information to give us, it’s time !
Thank you. We have just a couple of
shows for this year and then again gathering things ready for the
next album. There's more info on our website. We're also entering a
studio with Counting Hours for it's first album. There's me and Tomi
from Sod. Sameli from Kalmankantaja, Ilpo and Make from The Chant.
Check the band out, more faster paced than Sod but for sure
melancholic and depressive stuff..
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