INTERVIEW AVEC ARUNDA « A cœur vaillant, rien d’impossible » Putain de Tristesse - Putain de tristesse de Aarunda ( Doska / Putain De Tristesse) Salut Aarunda, le premier album de ton projet Putain de Tristesse est sorti il y a peu, faisant suite à un premier EP. Peux tu nous en dire plus sur la genèse de ce projet ? Salut Pierre. J’ai eu ce titre, alors que j’étais en pleine composition du 1 er album de Doska, que je ne savais pas comment « traduire » pour Doska… un titre plus lancinant, plus rock aussi, quasi hypnotique. Peu de temps après je me suis rendu à l’évidence qu’il s’agissait de la naissance d’un projet qui serait différent de Doska et par lequel je pourrai exprimer mes émotions de manière plus directe, moins « littéraire » dirais-je… Ainsi était né le titre « l’Héritage » et, par la même occasion, ainsi est né Putain de Tristesse. Tes textes semblent très autobiographiques et font référence à des traumas surv...
Hi Sleazy Gee, can you introduce yourself to the
audience ?
Hello, I'm an underground musician, though I prefer to be called an artist from
Poughkeepsie, New York.
A lot of people don't know what Trap Metal is. Can you
try to define it ?
Trap Metal is a genre just beginning in its early stages. TM consists of very
distorted 808s resembling electric guitars, exclusive drum patterns that
replicate the standard double kick in metal music, using trap drumkits that
sound similar to metroboomin. lyrical content focusing less on status and
power, and more about feelings of angst pain or other intense emotions that are
most commonly used in metal music. It is often misunderstood and passed off as
many regular Aggressive Trap Artists(XXX/6ix 9ine) but, those types of artists
dont actually hold any value to Trap Metal, just the modernization of Hip Hop.
Metal has always blended with genres, and Trap metal is a new form of,keeping
extreme music alive.
Can you tell us where do you come from musically
speaking ? Hip Hop ? Metal ? Hardcore ? All that
stuff ?
Gothic Industrial(Marilyn Manson), Hip-hop Rock(Linkin Park), Korn(Nu-Metal),
and other less known Japanese Rock and Metal bands(Naitomea/The Gazette/Dir An
Grey), different styles of Darker Rap like Horrorcore. I also liked some
strange genres like Evil Techno and different heavy forms of dubstep which lead
me to producing.
Trap Metal is very agressive and urban shit. Do you see
any connections with an older genre like Horrorcore Rap (Necro, Gravediggaz,
Butchers Harem...) or Indus/Hip Hop like the great Dälek ?
That depends on your roots as a rapper, and what has lead you to creating Trap
Metal. I don't believe any of the people I meet doing TM would know who those
artists are. Trap Metal is more connected to the death of metal concerts and the
death of highschool band shows, and the uprise of Hip Hop becoming world wide.
The scene is taking place where screamo/”core” bands would be 3 years ago.
Meeting a majority of the underground, its a lot of pissed off young kids in
highschool who want a way to have a voice that seems new and hasn't been done
before. I call it the Continued Subconscious Apocolypse.
My audience is essentially into Black Metal and Extreme Metal (Grindcore, Death Metal). What can you tell them to make them curious about your sound ? (they often hate hip hop!)
heavy TM tracks focus on my metal background. I actually have a background in
metal so you will hear,my vocal style actually sounds traditional to metal,
instead of just yelling. You will still find real instruments like electric
guitars, bass guitars and live drum sounds to be less “simulated” and resemble
metal. I also set up my drum patterns to resemble someone actually playing them
to make it more comfortable for original metal listeners. I don't like to be
lazy lyrically and I talk about a lot of witchcraft and de-occultizing. But
like metal in my background, I write my negative thoughts out and try to have
the feeling of aggression pouring out of my TM music. I always play my TM
tracks for my metal head friends so I can find the proper bridge to help push
metal into the Hip Hop realm and help people like this genre. They need
Horror lyrics, blood, serial killers, violence, do you think Trap Metal is a new form of Metal or a new Punk Wave ?
Yes, its the new progression. All subgenres of metal seem to sound like every
other band these days, nothing new comes out. Just re written songs in slightly
changed formulas that have already been done hundreds of times. This genre lets
you play with so much more as an extreme genre and allows you to make a
different type of vibe metal couldnt accomplish. Vice versa, there are many
things unkown about Trap Metal, so its already very difficult to actually write
creatively. But thats whats so cool about it is so many people are pushing for
a different sound right now. No Trapmetal artist really sounds like another
one. I could name you atleast 5 bands ormore in every metal genre who sound
exactly like one another or “copy and paste” bands I call them these days.
Eventually Trap Metal will reach this recycling point where every artists
sounds like a knock off of another. It happens in every music Genre. This
generation of youth is gravitating towards Trap Metal the most, second that are
the people who called themselves emo last generation, often switching to this
music style because it holds many of the same vibe, mystery and elements emo
culture once had.
You call your music Industrial Trap Metal. Can you talk
about your industrial influences ?
industrial influences comes heavily from Marilyn Manson's 'Antichrist Superstar”
album, and bands like Nine Inch Nails. The distortion I use and the synths of
high metalic noises are influenced a lot 90s industrial musicians. A lot of the
instumentals in Trap Metal resemble the distorted peaking sound that were big
in the 90s if you listen. I feel industrial is one of the best genres to mix
with Trap Metal because much is already known about it, and insutrial has
already been mixed with rock/metal,countless times. Its never once been mixed
with Trap until Today. I only show this influence in small bursts.
Do you think Trap Metal is going to be big ?
believe it is going to be big in the next 10 years, but not the same way as
metal or past music genres. Older music before this time dominated shows and
venues, but that is becoming less and less inportant, and less doable because
ticket pricing is jacked up so much. Where im from in just 4 years, 6 local
venues have shut down,
average ticket pricing is close to 25-30 dollars to see UNOFFICIAL cover
bands….. Ew, Haha. This generation is dominated by cellphones, and that is
where Trap Metal is coming from. I have never seen so many underground
communities before, they are all scattered because we all dont know where to go
as TM artists or listeners. So many have created collectives, instagram pages,
youtubes, literally everywhere online. I am slowly helping discover them and
connecting everyone to eachother to hopefully help be a 'grandfather’ in the
birth of TM and its uprising. Once shows start being uses online, through live
feeds, I predict that is gonna be the new thing, or atleast an option to help
it grow. Most rappers I met through live videos. This generation is truly
entirely made of phones and that plays a part into this.
About Sleazy Gee : have you any plans of
albums ?
am releasing ANTISOCIAL on March 20th, 2019. It will,be on all major platforms.
have 3 EPs released, 1st called ‘Death Rock’ on Soundcloud. 2nd called ‘Squeeze
On My Trugger’ also on Souncloud. My EP 'Gavin’ can be found on all major
platforms, just not pandora.
One of the particularity of the scene is that there is
a lot of artists on Youtube or Soundcloud but not a lot of physical stuff. What
do you think about it ?
refer to this above about Trap becoming big. Personally, I used to tour in a
band and I liked shows. I dont think shows will disappear just get harder to get
into. Most people writing this music are atleast 13-17 years old. They dont
have money and often write on their cellphones, even some record on their
phone. Being online doing something big then blowing up will get you seen World
Wide because everyone has a phone. If you do something big and blow up at a
show, only the community who went to that venue will see or witness whatever it
is you did. Plus streams actually do very well these days. Streams may be the
answer to success these days. I think this genre needs more solid feet in the
ground before it takes off in physical forms.
Talking about Physical Stuff, for me the Album
« DXXM » by Scarlxrd is a real masterpiece of the genre. Do you
agree ? What are your favorite releases ?
think Scars music is very entertaining because no one does sound like him and
he still interprets real instruments like guitars, plus he is very energetic
and has a cool image. But I think lyrically he wont relate to metal heads
because of how Hip-hop he speaks. I prefer Muppy who worked with Scar, but
again i feel they fall, lyrically for metalheads. I think artists like
Ghostemane and Kill Ebola and HXNJV have my favorite releases. Ghostemane i
relate to with de-occultizing. And I've been watching Kill Ebola and HXNJV grow
since I discovered them on instagram and reached out to pages they were
involved with and,other Artists. I hope to see them get to Ghostemanes level,
and i hope Ghostemane becomes more talked about because he exposes a lot of
truths about the world/reality and the use of Magick, a forgotten art playing a
big part in this scene.
Can you give us your Top 20 (artists or records, any
time and any genre)
in any specific order :
3.Marilyn Manson
4.Mitch Lucker(of Suicide
7.Lil Peep
8.Lil Lotus
Acacia Strain
Dying Arms
What do you want to say ?
you want to support the growth of Trap Metal, you need to be a part of it. This
new generation, is all about participation because without people sharing
music, looking for it, without others to listen no music gets anywhere. I see
so many potentially talented musicians in this genre and the only way we can
get off,our phone screens and back on those venue stages, IS YOU!
my Dead Kid Cult, help motivate others. Change the world with your mind. Change
your mind with the world.
INTERVIEW VINDSVAL OCT 2019 "Je ne peux pas me contenter du hasard ou du non-sens, mon esprit refuse complètement cette idée dont beaucoup semblent aujourd'hui s’accommoder" (Vindsval) William Sheller chante qu'il veut être un homme ne sais pas si c'est possible, mais en tout cas, pour moi, avoir le privilège de cette interview est une des choses qui se rapprochent le plus du bonheur. C'est la deuxième fois que le maestro se confie a moi, et cette fois encore plus longuement. C'est sans doute son interview la plus intime, la plus personnelle, et, selon ses mots, probablement la dernière qu'il donnera, l'homme préférant la solitude du créateur. Une dernière fois donc, et ceci nous a permis d'aborder l'enfance de Vindsval, son rapport a l'art, a l'esthétique, au showbiz, la philosophie, la poésie, la lumière, l' le black metal, bien sûr. Bref, sans doute la meilleure interview que j'ai eu l'oppor...
Olivier Déhenne Premières Fois Nouvelles 2019 L'Age d'Homme - Collection Contemporains Olivier Déhenne ? si, comme moi, vous possédez quelque bagage culturel en termes de musiques sombres et underground, vous devez connaître l'oeuvre d'Eros Necropsique, entité étrange et noire, dont les textes poétiques dévoilent depuis plusieurs décennies un romantisme macabre réunissant comme il se doit les pulsions de vie et de mort d'Eros et de Thanatos, conjugués dans un écrin musical gothique. Ce n'est pas d'Eros Necropsique que je vais ici vous entretenir, ni même d'ailleurs de musique, puisqu'il se trouve qu'Olivier Déhenne est également écrivain. Après un premier roman sous forme de journal intime - Les Miasmes de La Claustration - c'est ici sous la forme du recueil de nouvelles que la plume d'Olivier est venue se plonger dans le sang et les liquides corporels les plus divers. Cela va de soi, ces nouvelles ne sont pas destinées aux âmes sen...
Nicolas Claux : Put The Fun In Funeral, une/an interview avec/with Le Scribe Du Rock "Peuple de France, le gouvernement te ment. Si j’ai appris une chose dans les morgues, c’est que ton espérance de vie se raccourcit à vue d’œil. Cancers, AVC, diabète, et désormais virus de plus en plus virulent, ton compte à rebours est déclenché. Achète un Bundyldo avant qu’il ne soit trop tard" (Nicolas Claux) S'il est vrai que Nicolas Claux (ou Castelaux comme nom de plume selon les cas) a commencé sa carrière à la rubrique faits divers (profanations de sépultures, cannibalisme, utilisation du sang comme "drink" et finalement meutre) il a commencé une deuxième vie après des années d'incarcération. Se découvrant une passion assez logique pour le metier d'agent mortuaire, qu'il a pratiqué de nombreuses années, il est aujourd'hui directeur de collection chez Camion Noir (le pendant "macabre" du Camion Blanc), mais aussi patron du site de murderabilia...
WINTERMOON Cold Sky Rising 2023 Black Metal Epique Oui, "winter moon" est bien le titre d'un morceau d'Immortal, et cela n'est pas un hasard. Cet album aux tonalités glaciaires impose Wintermoon comme digne successeur de l'Immortal le plus épique et du Bathory de l'ère Blood, Fire, Death. Il serait pourtant trop simple de limiter la description de ce premier album (après deux Eps) à du name-dropping. J'avoue avoir été soufflé par la qualité des compostions de Cold Sky Rising ! Les neuf titres qui composent cet album sont le fruit inspiré du travail de Gryp, musicien accompli. Ainsi, loin du salmigondis infâme que peuvent générer certains groupes "underground" nous nous retrouvons ici face à un disque très abouti, porté par un black metal épique et majestueux, habité de riffs inspirés aux colorations heavy/black et créant une envie irrépressible de l'écouter encore et encore. Les soli aussi, chose rare de nos jours, nous entrainent et...
ATTENTION ! Groupe avec humour ! Quand j'ai décroché l'interview qui suit avec l'ami Albatard (le bassiste, vous savez, le mec qui accompagne les musiciens partout 😂 ) je n'avais qu'une inquiétude : qu'il déconne tellement qu'il ne réponde pas à mes questions. Alors, rassurez-vous, en ces jours gris, l'humour de l'ami est bien là, et ça fait vraiment du bien, mais il a eu la gentillesse de jouer vraiment le jeu de cette interview rétrospective où nous revenons en détail sur 20 ans de Gronibard ! Et puis ne vous inquiétez pas, on rendra aussi un bel hommage à Corbier...Et en plus il y a du scoop dans l'air, comme disent les journalisses, Gronibard attendraient un nouveau bébé !! Vous êtes devenus un des groupes les plus importants du grindcore en France, et les fondateurs d’un grind «rigolo » et potache, très axé sur les histoires de fesses. Pouvez-vous nous rappeler un peu les conditions de la naissance du groupe et pourquoi ...