INTERVIEW AVEC ARUNDA « A cœur vaillant, rien d’impossible » Putain de Tristesse - Putain de tristesse de Aarunda ( Doska / Putain De Tristesse) Salut Aarunda, le premier album de ton projet Putain de Tristesse est sorti il y a peu, faisant suite à un premier EP. Peux tu nous en dire plus sur la genèse de ce projet ? Salut Pierre. J’ai eu ce titre, alors que j’étais en pleine composition du 1 er album de Doska, que je ne savais pas comment « traduire » pour Doska… un titre plus lancinant, plus rock aussi, quasi hypnotique. Peu de temps après je me suis rendu à l’évidence qu’il s’agissait de la naissance d’un projet qui serait différent de Doska et par lequel je pourrai exprimer mes émotions de manière plus directe, moins « littéraire » dirais-je… Ainsi était né le titre « l’Héritage » et, par la même occasion, ainsi est né Putain de Tristesse. Tes textes semblent très autobiographiques et font référence à des traumas surv...
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Hail Trench Warfare! You're a recent band in the Black/Death Metal zone. Can
you tell us more about your story and the goals of the band?
Our goal and vision was and continues to be to create violent and extreme bestial
death/black metal music. We don’t want to merely exist. We want to do
our part in pushing the boundaries even further.
Tony’s solo project
Plague Swarm was, in a sense, the precursor to Trench Warfare. Trench Warfare’s original bassist
Bogus introduced Tony and I since he knew we both liked bands like Beherit and
Blasphemy. As soon as we met we decided to start a band together, and the seeds
for Trench Warfare were planted. It took a good while for the ball to get
rolling, but once the war machine was built, we hit the ground running and we
haven’t looked back. We’re just here to
sodomize the universe.
Your demo “Perversion Warfare” is quite brutal,
violent and filled with hatred! It reminds me both War Metal legends as Revenge
or Conqueror and the cult Beherit or Blasphemy. Can you tell us more about your
influences? And your vision of mythic Ross Bay Cult?
We are definitely influenced by all the bands you mentioned especially
Conqueror. Conqueror has played a major role in influencing my guitar playing
style. Other major influences for me are Proclamation, Bestial Warlust,
Deiphago, older Morbid Angel, older Deicide, older Napalm Death (Mentally
Murdered) and various hardcore punk/d-beat bands.
I’m not entirely
certain what you meant by my vision of Ross Bay Cult. I will say they are a
major force within extreme metal, and from what I have heard, they know how to
I’m not a one
dimensional person, so the influences upon me personally are vast. However with
regard to Trench Warfare, the band is an expression of rage and hatred. We are
fueled by plenty of music, including that which Tony mentioned, and we are
fueled by our experiences. Humanity has fallen short of what it should and
could be. And there are countless pathetic people who infect the universe with
their presence. Celebrate their demise. Celebrate victory. And yes, Blasphemy
Thisbestial/war metal
you play is maybe one of the most extreme kind of music ever created. What do
you think about another real extreme genre, Grindcore?
Truth be told, I have not delved into this genre in its entirety. The main
grindcore that I listen to is Napalm Death’s Scum, From Enslavement to
Obliteration, and Mentally Murdered, as well as Carcass’ Reek of Putrefaction,
Terrorizer’ World Downfall,
and just about anything from Dead Infection. Jay is the major grind freak and
Im sure he will answer this question at length. (haha)
Grindcore is a major influence upon our style and sound, and the bands Tony
mentioned are all killer.
Are you working on an album?
We actually have a full length album, Hatred Prayer, coming out soon. Hatred
Prayer will be released on Transcending Obscurity Records.
Your music is so extreme, what can we expect from the future?
You can expect that we will continue to push the envelope and evolve as a band.
Our devotion to raw musical extremity will always remain, but we will continue
to push and challenge ourselves. Even though many are content with playing by
the rules, we’re more interested
in expressing the negative aspects of who we are through extreme music that
hasn’t yet been properly
Can you give us your 20 favorite records ever?
In no particular order:
- Legion
- Hell Awaits
- War Cult Supremacy
- The Inexorable
- Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
- Worship Death
Death - Mentally Murdered
- Lord Disciples of the Inferno
- Subversives for Lucifer
- The Return
Warlust - Vengeance War Till Death
Idea - Pick Your King
- Obsidian CodexLucifer
- Seven Churches
Necromancy - Oath of the Abyss
- Here in After
- Filipino Antichrist
- Seven Chalices
Corpse - Butchered at Birth
Domination - Sado Perverser Goat Insulter.
It’s hard picking just
20. Please note: My answers change from time to time. There is so much great
shit out there.
I could answer this question, but I’d rather jerk off. Bring us your
This interview will be published in a book about different kinds of Black
Metal, like Post-BM, Black/Death, True Black, atmospheric black... What is the
part of Black Metal in Trench Warfare? What do you think about the evolutions
of the genre?
I’ve always preferred
faster more aggressive black metal like early Bathory, Mayhem, Antaeus,
Luciation, Blodfest, early Immortal. Of course, anything I listen to repeatedly
will come out in my song writing. I think genres evolve when bands attempt to
stand out. Don’t get me wrong. I
don’t think there is
anything wrong with being a Blasphemy worship band or a Discharge worship
band. I think to stand out and to evolve
one tries less to sound like their favorite band and begins bringing in foreign
Black metal is great and will always be a part of our sound. Black metal can
manifest itself in a variety of ways, but why do so many people listen to fruit
loop black metal bands like Deafheaven and Alcest? This scarf and sweater black
metal is pretentious and it sounds like crap. It isn’t black metal. I
don’t have time for
that BS.
For me there is also a big thrash feeling into your music. When I heard you I
was thinking about old bands like Dark Angel. Do you agree? What Thrash means
to Trench Warfare?
Of course. Again, I love fast shit. That’s what got me into extreme metal to
begin with. Our motto: No grooves, no melody, etc. was due to an overwhelming
number of bands that favor slam grooves (break downs?) or just flat out boring
120 bpm chug chug riffs. Thrash can be summed up in one word, or should I say
country? Germany! They produced some of the best thrash. Period. Timeless
classics! Satan’s Gift, Pleasure to
Kill, Defenders of Justice, Obsessed by Cruelty.
It’s likely that
thrash metal will always influence us. Following up on Tony’s comment, we
started our band in a small, West Texas city that was home to an abundance of
deathcore, metalcore and Lamb Of God clone bands. We were going to take our
chosen musical path regardless, but we definitely enjoyed creating music that
was antithetical and incompatible with the music in our hometown.
Are you going to play live?
have played a handful of live shows already. Our first show was at the Gospel
of the Serpent Fest in Chicago back in July 2018, and we opened the Texas dates
on Heresiarch’s tour last summer.
I’m not sure when
this interview will be published, but in the summer of 2019 we have a show with
The Chasm and Cruciamentum. We have some other stuff in the pipeline as well.
This space is free: tell us whatever you want?
I appreciate the interview and your interest in Trench Warfare!
Jay: Thank you for supporting
Trench Warfare! Let the hatred flow. Strive for excellence and domination.
Pound your enemies into dust !
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